One of the hardest things about moving to a brand new country is the fact that you are going to have to get used to a variety of new customs and points of etiquette that might be somewhat different to where you currently call your home.
If the plan is to relocate to Italy, then you are going to want to make sure that you have plenty of understanding about some of the main Italian customs and etiquette that you are going to need to master.
1. Wait for everyone to be served their food before you tuck in

This particular point should not be brand new to you as it is something that we do here in the UK, however, in Italy, this has become all the more important.
Food and the time that people come together are all about being social rather than the food itself. This means that you should wait for the food to arrive for everyone before you tuck in.
2. Be respectful in holy places
For many people in Italy, religion and faith are highly valued and should be respected, even if one is not religious.
If you are visiting churches or other holy places, you should turn off your mobile phone and keep talking to an absolute minimum.
3. Think before you selfie
We think this should be a top tip for life in general. However, it seems to be one that many people seem to forget.
Selfies are great, and they are something that can help you to capture the moment, but these should be done in a way that is respectful and aware of where you are
There are some places that you should just not take a selfie at, particularly if it relates to war memorials or spaces that are there to remember people's lives.
4. Kiss twice on the cheek if you know someone
Italians are among those Europeans who like to show affection to those most important to them.
This is often seen with the copious amounts of kisses that seem to be shared among friends and family members. The usual approach to greeting and saying goodbye to those who you know the best is to give two kisses on their cheeks and keep things as informal as possible.
5) Keep your shoes on in other people’s houses
In the UK, we are expected to take off our shoes when we enter someone’s house. However, this is not true in Italy. It is the opposite.
Shoes should be worn when you are a guest in a house as it is a sign of respect. Just make sure they are nice and clean.
6) Accept anything that is offered to you

Following on from the above, if you are offered something while you are in someone’s house, you should accept the kind offer. Coffee, cake, water, or even a scoop of gelato. Whatever it is, your hosts might be more than just a little bit offended if you say no and make your excuses to leave.
7) Don’t be loud on public transport

There is a pretty good public transport network in Italy, and it is expected that if you ride the buses and trains, you will recognise that you are not alone. This means that you must be considerate of how loud you are talking and never listen to music without your headphones.
8) Show appreciation when someone has done a good job

Italians take great pride in a job well done, so if someone has done something for you that you appreciate, then don’t worry about making it known that you are happy.
It is important that you show appreciation for their work and for them, too. Not only will this help them feel appreciated, but it will also show you in a great light.
9) Use your knife and fork

Eating with your hands is frowned upon in Italy, so if you are given a knife and fork, you are expected to use them. This is even true for food like pizza, which you may think is okay to pick up each slice to munch on.
10) Be mindful of your elders
Italians are very respectful of older people and treat them with care. They show them kindness at all times and help them if they need it. In fact, if someone does not show this respect to an older person they come across, they will be seen as incredibly rude and have bad manners.
11) Watch your drinking

Whilst it is commonly thought that Italians love to indulge in one or two alcoholic drinks, they would not encourage someone to indulge to the point of drunkenness.
Many drinks that are consumed are light in alcohol content rather than heavy, which means that it is very rare for there to be tipsy Italians hanging around in the evening. Although, that doesn’t mean you cannot indulge in a drink if you feel like one with your dinner.
12) Don’t eat and go

Whilst Italians are famous for loving their food, they prefer to enjoy it settled down at a table with friends. Indulging a cold gelato on a warm day is not going to be particularly frowned upon, but you should avoid carrying your food around with you out and about.
The takeaway
It may seem like life in Italy is more complicated than you may first think, but we can promise you that in no time at all, you will feel settled and ready to live out your Italian dream.
You might just need to learn a few of the etiquette rules that you will need to follow during your time there. If you need assistance with relocating to European destinations such as Italy, you can contact the expert team at Pinnacle Removals & Storage. We have helped countless individuals and families move overseas, and will be able to assist you.